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ASG Assistant & Director Position Requirements & Descriptions

In order to hold anAssistant or Director positionyou must meet the following requirements:

  1. Be enrolled in at least 5 COC units
  2. Hold 4 office hours each week


  • Each ASG Officer position has the opportunity to appoint an Assistant with the approval of the ASG Senate, whose main responsibilities are to work closely with that Officer to help them achieve their assigned duties as outlines in the bylaws and constitution of this association. *See “ASG Officer Requirements & Descriptions” document for more details on what each Officer position is responsible for.
  • The Director of Recruitment shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Director of Recruitment shall be responsible for but not limited to:

    • Advertising open ASG positions around campus and through ASG’s social media accounts
    • Holding recruitment events
    • Processing applications and helping to set up interviews with applicants and ASG Officers
    • Leading orientations for newly appointed ASG members
    • Chair or be a member of the “Recruitment & Elections Committee” and help organize the Spring ASG Officer Election process that includes but not limited to candidate orientations and polling events at both campuses
  • The Shared Governance Coordinator shall be appointed by the Executive Vice President with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Shared Governance Coordinator shall be responsible for:

    • Keeping track of all shared governance meetings of the Santa Clarita Community College District by creating and maintaining a shared governance meeting directory that is easily accessible to all members of the ASG
    • Coordinating with the Executive Vice President to seek out and hold individuals accountable for attending shared governance committee meetings and having them report back to the Executive Board
  • The Director of Legislative Affairs shall be appointed by the Student Trustee with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position will also prepare and distribute information on legislation related to students needs and assist the Student Trustee in attending conferences and committees related to legislative affairs.

  • The Director of Academic Affairs shall be appointed by the Executive Vice President with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position will assist the Executive Vice President in designing and publicizing academic related programs to campus based on students needs. The Director of Academic Affairs shall also attend committees related to academics.

  • The Director of Canyon Country Affairs shall be appointed by the Canyon Country Campus Social and Cultural Student Involvement Coordinators with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position will work closely with the Canyon Country Campus Social and Cultural Student Involvement Coordinators to help them achieve their assigned duties as outlines in the bylaws and constitution of this association.

  • The Director of Athletic Affairs shall be appointed by the Student Involvement Coordinators with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position should meet with the Dean of Physical Education and Athletics regularly and report back to the Senate. This position will also help the Senate in attending committees related to athletics/campus engagement. This position will also promote sports events through The Paw Print and ASG social media platforms. This position will help organize intramural like athletic programs relating to students’ interests. They will also work on building a sense of school spirit and pride through different outreach and programmatic efforts.

  • The Director of Cultural Affairs is appointed by the Student Involvement Coordinators with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Director of Cultural Affairs is responsible for creating oppositeness to learn about and celebrate the many cultures found on our campus through but not limited to films screenings, speakers, workshops and collaborative efforts with other offices and departments on campus and in the greater Los Angles community. This position will also assist the Student Involvement Coordinators in attending committees related to cultural affairs on campus.

  • The Director of Environmental Affairs is appointed by the Student Involvement Coordinators with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Director of Environmental Affairs will organize programs and initiatives that focus on suitability and the environment. Some examples are but not limited to an Earth Day celebration, recycling and waste awareness initiatives and working collaboratively with other offices and departments on campus and in the greater Los Angles community on creating suitability and environmental focused programs and initiatives.

  • 俱乐部的负责人&组织应用ointed by the Vice President of the Inter Club Council with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Director of Clubs & Organizations will work closes with the Vice President of the Inter Club Council to help support campus clubs. This position will also serve as the alternate chair of the Inter Club Council when the Vice President of the Inter Club Council is absent.

  • The Director of Health Issues will be appointed by the Student Involvement Coordinators with the approval of the ASG Senate. The Director of Environmental Affairs will organize programs and initiatives that focus on student’s health and wellness. Some examples of what this position may do are but are not limited to hosting weekly “quite corners”, tabling programs that focus on health related resources on campus and in the greater Los Angles community.

    • The Director of Equity will represent students in the development of a vision and effective strategy that champions the importance and value of a diverse and inclusive College environment.
    • Attends committees such as the Institutional Effectiveness and Inclusive Excellence Committee, Equity Minded Practitioners Group, The Multicultural Center Advisory Committee, the Advocacy Committee as well as any other committees involving equity, diversity and inclusion.
    • Engage faculty, staff and students to build a welcoming and inclusive culture at COC by hosting a focus group at least once a semester to acquire student feedback on how equity and inclusion can be improved within the college community.
    • The Director will assess potential barriers to equity and inclusion and develop strategies focused on recruiting and retaining a diverse environment.
    • The Director will take part in designing at least two workshop initiatives a semester with the Multicultural Center on topics such as cultural competency, gender identity, disability, sexual harassment, and other topics involved in increasing awareness and support of equity and inclusion values.
    • 直接与文化事务Direc工作tor in promoting cultural awareness.
  • 这个职位n is responsible for assisting the Officer of Marketing & Information in creating and publishing our school publication, The Paw Print. Duties for this position include but are not limited to assisting the Officer of Marketing & Information in supporting all student staff that help put the Paw Print together as well as recruiting more help form the student body and promoting the readership of The Paw Print.

  • Staff writers for The Paw Print will be appointed by the Officer of Marketing & Information with the approval of the ASG Senate. This positions focused is on being the primary sources for the writer of The Paw Print.

  • The Graphic Artist shall be appointed by the Officer of Marketing & Information with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position will be responsible for creating artwork and assisting with the layout of The Paw Print.

  • The Photographer shall be appointed by the Officer of Marketing & Information with the approval of the Student Senate and shall work closely with the Senate through that office. The duties of the Photographer are:

    • To take photos for will be featured in The Paw Print
    • To make a continuous photographic record of campus activities and events especially those pertaining to students and the A.S.G.
  • The Director of Publicity will be appointed by the Public Affairs Officer with the approval of the ASG Senate. This position will be responsible for helping the Public Affairs Officer maintain all social media platforms ASG is on, updated ASG bulletin boards in the Student Center, help create and distribute publicity on campus for ASG programs and dispose of outdated or unapproved publicly on campus.

  • The Historian shall be appointed by the Officer of Marketing & Information with the approval of the Student Senate. The Historian shall be responsible for tracking the advocacy and programming efforts ASG does throughout the year to be used for but not limited to the Joint Board Meetings, recruitment material and to track best practices for future ASG Senates.

  • The Cougar Mascot will be appointed by the Executive Vice President of Activities. The Cougar Mascot shall serve as a non-voting member of the Activities Board. The Cougar Mascot shall be responsible for attending ASG activities dressed as the Cougar Mascot, assisting the Activities Board in promotion and execution of ASG events, and shall be available to attend events at both the Valencia and Canyon Country Campuses.
