

你的校园社区是什么样子的?你的大学在城市、郊区或农村设置?离我家有多远你的校园吗?ittake多少时间从我的家到那里的车,由公共交通或其他运输(如。空气)?我需要一辆车去购物吗?公共交通(公共汽车)provideeasy访问校园和社区?多少学生?在我的专业吗?从我的社区? Are you on the semester or quarter system?


你的大学要花多少钱?的成本是什么学费和注册费,书籍和用品、住房、停车,等。当我支付这些费用吗?我必须给招收存款证实我的意图吗?有多少?什么时候?有什么费用会增加机会和我什么时候能知道?金融援助?什么样的财政援助是可用的:当我怎么申请助学金吗?我单独应用forcampus奖学金吗?你怎么确定我有资格申请财政援助吗? When will I be notified if I will or will not receive aid? Will financial aid cover my entire need? Are there special kinds of assistance for students from certain ethnicminority or low income groups (such as EOPS)? If so, howdo I apply for such a program? Is it easy to get a part-time job on campus or in the community?


我如何申请入学?,当应用程序怎么走?你的大学haveonline应用程序吗?当我第一次申请吗?你的申请截止日期是什么?我可以申请多个学校在你的系统?如何?我可以有我的应用程序从一个校园转移到另一个如果我changemy介意吗?我什么时候需要提交成绩单,任何适用的测试成绩,和其他招生材料吗?我什么时候会通知我已经承认吗? Is my major overcrowded (impacted)? If I am not accepted in my major,what are the options? Can I change to another major? Have myapplication sent to another campus for consideration? What else do I need to know? How do I make arrangements to talk with someone further at your college to discuss enrollment opportunities? How do I make arrangements to take a tour of your campus? Do you have an open house program for prospective students? When and whom do I contact for more information?

