
任何学生或教师,全部或部分时间,他们担心学生的住宿在需求方应该联系需求方的办公室(661)362 - 3341年,103年瑞士大厅或访问我们的最早 方便

DSP&S提供住宿学生视文档类型的残疾学生。住宿的目的是提供“资格”残疾学生有机会展示他们的知识在他们的研究。下面是一个列表,其中包括(但不限于)提供的住宿在大学的峡谷。亚博是专业买球适应家具:一些身体残疾的学生可能需要有一个分离的椅子和桌子,和附加的桌子和椅子,或者他们可能需要一把椅子就没有胳膊。备选媒体:学生可能有资格获得不同类型的替代媒体如盲文,书籍CD, e文,和触觉图形。这些格式给人另一种方式阅读传统的文字。辅助技术:这是计算机程序专门为残疾人。例如,屏幕阅读器和放大项目对于那些有视力障碍,浏览和阅读程序对于那些有学习障碍,对于那些与运动能力损伤和语音激活程序。咨询:DSP&S提供注册咨询服务援助、调度类、职业咨询、和残疾相关的咨询服务。学生可以通过DSP&S办公室安排约会。 Extended Time For Tests: When a student has a documented need of extra time for taking tests, he/she will be allowed to take their tests either in the TLC lab or in class if the instructor is willing to stay for the extra time. Preferential Seating: Sometimes it is helpful for a student to sit in the front of the class. Priority Registration: Students who are part of DSP&S are provided with priority registration. This allows DSP&S students to register before the majority of students do, allowing them to get more of their desired classes. Shared Notes: A student may ask for a volunteer in the class, or ask the instructor to find a student willing to take notes during class. The note-taker should have good handwriting and good class attendance. The student can obtain NCR (double sided carbon) paper from DSP&S. Sign Language Interpreter: This accommodation is for people with hearing impairments or are deaf. A sign language interpreter will be provided to translate what the professor says into sign language for the student. They are also available to interpret for the student to communicate with the professor. Spell Checker: A spell checker is about the size of a pocket calculator. It can be purchased at an electronics store. Type in the word you want to spell, and it (often) gives you the correct spelling. Recorded Lectures: A recorder may be taken into class to record the lecture. The recording may be used by the student only and may not be shared with or sold to other students.

