
我怎么复制?我得到钥匙在哪里?我的电脑是有趣的!我如何得到我的电话留言吗?所以很多问题;你叫谁?实际上,如果你是一名教员,甚至一位经验丰富的兼职刚刚聘请全职,只需参加COC新教师定位,将Flex一周每学期。新教师定位的目的是使新教师如何在COC的感觉。主持人从招生/记录,学术参议院,人力资源,和其他校园项目和部门帮助新人成为适应我们的大学和它的系统。除了坚果和螺栓,面向新教师演示解决教学工作中的问题,话题产生的新教师。 These discussions are often continued during the semester by having lunch-hour Table-Top discussions allowing everyone to share ideas and practices about our chosen profession. New faculty members are also given the opportunity to take advantage of COCs Faculty Mentoring Program. Each faculty member wishing to participate in the Mentoring Program will be matched with a more experienced colleague, who will guide him or her through the their first year at COC. The Mentoring Program was instituted formally in the 2001-2002 school year. Fourteen faculty members participated, and the program is off to a promising start. For information about the New Faculty Orientation/Mentoring Program at COC, call or email: Fred DAstoli, Coordinatorfred.dastoli@canyons.edu(661)362 - 3710

