

女高音埃里卡·戴维斯从普林斯顿大学和波士顿音乐学院学士学位(优等成绩),和一个硕士学位从南加州大学声乐艺术。声乐教学是戴维斯女士“真正的激情。她开始在波士顿音乐学院和南加州大学教授在学校。从那时起,她一直是语音老师在《奥德赛》戏剧合奏和氛围表演艺术工作室。她现在教两个语音类:语音发展COC和私人高级类车间呼吁新兴声乐艺术家。她的声誉作为一个私人教师迅速成长,因为她工作室成交价为扩展。戴维斯女士是一个歌唱教师协会的成员。作为一个表演者,戴维斯女士有广泛的经验在不同地区。她的歌剧角色包括莫扎特的昙花魔笛。她唱歌剧南加州大学,歌剧在欧扎克,帕萨迪纳市抒情歌剧,Operworks。 As an oratorio soloist, she has sung soprano roles throughout southern California. Recent performances include Handels Messiah, Bachs Cantata 80, and Brittens The Company of Heaven. The song recital is among Ms. Davis' favorite art forms. She is known for her sparkling interpretations and engaging performances. She has sung recitals throughout the country and enjoys bringing her art to her students at COC. Ms. Davis has satisfied her love of chamber music with her all-female vocal quartet Convivia. The quartet has enjoyed a substantial following in the area, and its first CD has been well received. Ms. Davis has participated in several elite choirs, including the Dallas Symphony Chorus and the Pacific Chorale. She is part of a professional choir that sings every year for High Holidays at Stephen S. Wise Temple. Ms. Davis teaches Musicianship Skills I-IV and Music Appreciation.

