

Profesora安吉拉·夏新是母语非英语的西班牙语。她学会了西班牙语的“硬”上课在语法、词汇和文化对话伙伴。她赢得了西班牙于2000年从西密歇根大学学士学位和一个硕士在西班牙从博林格林州立大学于2002年在俄亥俄州。目前她是终身西班牙羚羊谷学院教授,写她的博士论文为明尼苏达大学留学的变革力量。出国留学完全改变了Profa。shaheen的生活。的时候她把一切摆脱从类和应用到日常生活中。她第一次出国留学经验Quertaro,墨西哥作为本科。她和一个接待家庭住了六个月,大学上课。在研究生院,她住在马德里,西班牙一个学年,帮助导师本科生在西班牙语。 It was at this time that her passion for teaching Spanish was cemented. It was at this same time that another passion was bornher passion to travel and experience other cultures. Profa. Shaheen has traveled to 35 countries to date. Her personal goal is to travel to every single country in the world (there are about 200 countries depending on the political situation of the day) and to reach that goal by the time she is 80 years old, she needs to travel to a minimum of four new countries a year. Profa. Shaheen travels alone, with groups, with students, with friends and familywith anyone with an adventurous spirit, an openness to other cultures and a desire to live life to the fullest.

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