

克里是一个终生的学生交流、沟通的差异吸引了所有的她经历了成长的地方,一个乳臭未干的军队。在她大一的高中,克里就口译的路易斯安那州演讲冠军,和她的队友,赢得了学校总体州冠军。“沉迷于取证,”克里继续参加取证和辩论在高中和她的本科大学。克里获得商学学士(1990年)和硕士(1992年)在言语交际从加州州立大学北岭。她获得博士学位(1997)从南加州大学的沟通。希望这一切,克里专业交际语用学、人际沟通、跨文化沟通,说服,欺骗,定量研究方法和统计数据。交流学者在1990年代末,克里有幸成为首批电脑仲介通信的前沿。克里的规范性和威胁行为研究分析发表在在线社区的形成。克里的论文,以代际和电脑仲介沟通,被命名为“黄金Cyberpond:培训美国的老年人使用电子邮件”(1997)。她的同事开玩笑说,她获得了博士学位。 Armed with her doctorate and six years' experience teaching communication and statistics courses at USC, CSUN, and several Southern California community colleges, Kerry eagerly anticipated the next phase of her career in academia. And landed in the private sector for the next thirteen years. Highly skilled in technology and communication, Kerry found herself serving her employers as both (simultaneously) Director of Marketing and Information Technology Director in industries including media, finance, not-for-profit trade associations, and technology. In 2009, Kerry resumed her pursuit of a career in academia, and was honored to join the ranks of the Adjunct Faculty at College of the Canyons. Kerry has since left the private sector, and hopes to remain firmly and solely a faculty member for the rest of her working years, which she intends to be the rest of her years, period. Among her favorite courses to teach is Public Speaking, a true passion. Kerry seeks to help her students achieve confidence in their skills, and a sense of satisfaction at their mastery. Okay, and maybe a few converts to the discipline. Kerry hopes to serve the discipline with expanded curricula in Computer-Mediated Communication in business and society in future. Kerry, an Irish descendant, is married to an Irishman, and she and her husband have a grown daughter who earned her Master of Social Work at USC. Kerry's family is immersed in Irish music and dance. Kerry's daughter is a championship-turned-pro Irish dancer. Kerry sings and plays the bodhran, and has begun to study fiddle and Irish whistle. Her recreation time is generally spent in an Irish pub, singing, playing her drum, and hoisting a Guinness. Just for show, of course.

