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美国人和波斯人Veronica Sheno:

有一些美国人和波斯人之间的相同点与不同点。伊朗和美国之间最大的不同是他们的文化。美洲文化非常不同,因为不同的人迁移到美国。伊朗文化的历史可以追溯到3000多年。每一代人在伊朗不同的国王。伊朗人民一度被称为世界上最著名和最富有的人。伊朗历史是非常重要的,所以要求所有的学生每学期历史课程在伊朗。家庭是伊朗文化的首要任务。家庭在伊朗被认为是神圣的,作为一个母亲是非常重要的。在伊朗每一个已经结婚,这被认为是一种罪恶,如果非婚生子女,生了一个孩子。 Everything in Iran is based on family. All the family members live together until they get married and are ready to begin their own lives. If you look at Iranian family trees it seems like a jungle because its important for them to keep their generation. But in America, it seems as if families are not as close knit. People are expected to move out by the time they are 18 and the average family is America consists of about four or five people. Or sometimes parents ask their children's to leave the house and take their own responsibility of life. That's why most of the young people in America have a job. Being a mother is not as big of a deal in America because you can have a child even if you don't get married and a lot of women in America get abortions. People in America do are not as pressured to marry.


另一个伊朗和美国之间的区别是生活方式。在伊朗人有更多的空闲时间。大多数时候女性不需要工作,因为作为一个家庭主妇的工作算是。它是非常重要的,女性在伊朗照顾自己的孩子。通过多年来,更多的妇女找到了工作以外的房子,没有驯化。然而,在美国,人们正忙着大部分的时间。分秒必争,在美国,人们试图赶上的每一分钟。女性拥有一份工作是很重要的,这就是为什么大多数的女性去上学和获得学位,这样他们就可以有一份工作当他们出去。其重要的美国女性能够挣自己的钱,因为他们不能总是依靠丈夫来得到他们的钱。在美国女性更独立。 In Iran, men have to support their wives and their families, but in America, both men and woman are responsible for their lives. Weekends in Iran start on Friday which is based on the Islamic culture. Friday in Iran its like a dead day. You cant find any body working, except in some restaurants. That is why on Friday Iranian people try to hang out with their family and mostly they go out and spend time in nature and some people just clean up their house and try to get ready for the week coming up. But in America, weekends are on Saturday and Sunday and many people have to work even thought its a weekend. But for those who don't have to work on weekends, their time is usually spent at parties or at the beach with their friends or their family. The cultural differences between Iran and America are significant and having been a part of both is a great learning experience. While America is much more liberal, Iran is very conservative.
