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但是我最欣赏这个国家的是他们尊重他人。这包括组织行,尊重红绿灯,失物招领,4路停车标志,大多数人遵守法律。墨西哥是一个美妙的和历史的国家。在墨西哥生活了十六年的我有机会拜访几位神奇的州和城市。另一方面,美国也是一个大而美丽的国家,它有优秀的未来的机会。我没有机会继续学习在我的国家,因为经济上的原因。我对美国有不同的和积极的预期来美国从里昂之前,矩形脉冲断开。墨西哥人。我预计这将是相同的方式,因为它是在墨西哥。例如,墨西哥有着美丽的海滩。 Most of the beaches in Mexico are cleaner and the water is warmer than the beaches in the USA West coast. They are dirty and very cold.Another example of what I expected about USA before coming to America is the education opportunities. In Mexico, students start paying for their education after they finish the sixth grade. They have to pay for their classes and books, but in the United States of America it is different. In the USA, students can still attend up to twelfth grade and they do not pay for anything and they get free food. Also, when students get into college, it is easier to apply and qualify for financial aid or personal loans.Finally, I expected that the USA was going to have the same weather temperatures as Mexico, not too hot or not too cold but it has very irregular weather. The thing I most love about USA is the snow because I had never saw snow in Mexico and I did not expect to see snow in the USA.


