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政府机关、教育系统和家庭结构三个伊朗和美国之间的许多差异。第一个伊朗和美国之间的区别是政府权威。每个国家都有自己的方式管理的人。在美国的政府是民主政治决策是由人或至少以不同的方式参与政府行为。例如,美国人可以投票选出他们的总统,国会议员等。另一方面,通过政治决策没有宗教思想。相比之下,伊朗的独裁权力限制人民的想法。例如,没有人可以做出决定,除了政府的领导人总是有一个宗教的人。他的决定是宗教偏见。另一个明显的区别这两个国家可以教育的系统。伊朗所有学校的老师的课程是唯一一个在课堂上很活跃。 All students are simple listeners .This way of education makes lack of creativity in students. On the other hand teachers have lots of expectations from students, this make the much hard working than American students. Educational system in America depends on students activities. All students learn materials by examining them in different ways they use the instructor as a person that helps them learn better. They discover everything on their own and learn how to think on a problem and try to find the solution for it. This educational system is much easier in United State than Iran. The final important difference would be family structure .Iran is a traditional country and Iranians believe in keeping all members of family together as much as its possible .Parents support their children in every way they can even if they are adults. They feel responsible about their children all the time. In contrast to Iran, United States families don't put too much effort on keeping the family together. Parents will support their kids only until the age of eighteen and after that they expect them to be responsible for their own lives. However this might be a good decision but it breaks the family apart. Sometimes it leaves no feelings between the members, therefore Iranian families always are interested in keeping the family union. To sum it all up, government, schools and families are three main aspects that make huge differences between Iran and the Land of opportunities.
